Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (28 Wēodmōnaþ 174922 Hrēþmōnaþ 1832) Þēodisc bōcere, dramatist, poet, humanist, cræftmann, ūðwitega, and tīene gēar hēafodþegn rīces æt Weimar.

Hwā is se gesǣligosta manna? Sē þe weorðaþ þā earnunga ōðra, and on hira drēame drēamaþ, ēac swā hē wǣre his āgena.

Sēo ēac : Faust, and The Sorrows of Young Werther

  • Sēo woruld belīfþ ā þȳ ilce
  • Woruld būtan lufe wǣre nān woruld.
    • Hēofsang 2

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